The coronavirus pandemic is a world-wide phenomenon that has galvanized global attention and made an impression on public thinking in virtually every country. It is the dominant concern of publics world-wide.
GQR is releasing a series of regular papers summarizing and analyzing available data on global opinion on COVID-19. We are focusing on selected aspects of the global opinion research, with an emphasis on political implications, and providing links to all polls we have identified, so others have a resource for their own investigations.
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 1
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 2
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 3
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 4
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 5
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 6
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 7
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 8
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 9
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 10
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 11
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 12
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 13
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 14
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 15
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 16
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 17
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 18
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 19
- Pandemic PollWatch: Issue 20
- Full Bibliography
The Global Political Implications of COVID-19: What Global Polling Tells Us
On June 9, 2020, an interactive Zoom conversation was held on what global polling and recent developments tell us about the politics of the coronavirus pandemic. This conversation drew on GQR’s Pandemic PollWatch series, and focused on the roughly dozen national elections that will be occurring in the US various other countries around the world during the remainder of 2020. Given that the coronavirus pandemic has been a major factor in every country, participants discussed the patterns in political consequences that the polls suggest so far, and what that may mean for these upcoming elections.
You can also watch the full webinar HERE.